Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Shit or get off the pot!

Never been one for gambling.  Betting a buck on a futbol game makes me physically ill.  So after our all in move I glanced down at my hand and the sweating began.  We were holding no passports, no vaccination cards, no Visas, no connecting flight out of Bolivia, no permission for minors to travel abroad, and a lot of loose ends.  But dreamers dream and doers do.  So axe to the grinder we began.

Our first and  most important order of business before we could do anything else was securing a passport. Easier said then done.   Any bureaucratic endeavor in Bolivia is usually a monumental event requiring lines formed at 4 in the morning and multiple days.  We were thus prepared for the worst at the passport office but things went surprisingly smooth.  That is until it happened.  The possible deathblow for our son the Prince.  His national ID card was "observed" and a trip to the National ID headquarters was required to clear up the observation.

Now before I continue there are 3 things that become readily obvious if you visit our amazing country.
1)  We love good food, and plenty of it.  You keep your veggie burgers on your side of the table!
2) We love to wait in lines.  We will even wait in line to get a number to wait in line some more.
and most pertinent to our story:
3) We love to vote.

Yep its a fact, I am JH, I am Bolivian and I am a vote-a-holic.  We love to vote so much that we will assume someone elses identity, living or dead, old or young,  so we can do it multiple times per election. All with an added benefit, more lines.   We will also clone an identity to inflate our communities population so that we can have more representatives to vote for!  Allegedly that is.  So when you are observed the problem thus becomes proving that you are you when your document says you just might not be.  Confusing sentence? Confusing dilemma.  But no worries. There is a multi-day, witness filled, document laden process that can fix this with your consolation prize included,  more lines.  And no passport means our ducks in a row are you guessed it, stuck in line as well.

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